Main » Photo album » ARTIST » Claude Monet » La Grenouillère
La Grenouillère is a painting by the impressionist painter, Claude Monet. (Oil on canvas, 74.6 cm x 99.7 cm)
Monet wrote on September 25, 1869, "I do have a dream, a painting (tableau), the baths of La Grenouillère, for which I have made some bad sketches (pochades), but it is only a dream. Pierre-Auguste Renoir, who has just spent two months here, also wants to do this painting." Monet and Renoir, both desperately poor, were quite close at the time. The painting is now in the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art. It was bequeathed by Mrs. H. O. Havemeyer in 1929.
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Date: 2012-12-02 | Tags: monet, La Grenouillère | Added by: knuartlib
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